Does Organic Really Matter?

in Oct 8, 2020

Does Organic Really Matter? 

I think we’d all love to say we eat organic. But the honest truth of it is, it can get expensive. If you opted for organic produce for your entire grocery shopping, you’d probably be looking at one hefty bill each week.


So let’s be realistic here, unless you’re one of the lucky few who have the opportunity to eat organic foods (we’re all very jealous), then it’s often not at the top of our priorities. But is there really a need for it? 


The answer actually falls into a grey area. It’s not essential to our health to shop organically, but it is beneficial. 


Benefits to eating organic: 

  • Less exposure to toxins & pesticides

  • Organic fruits and vegetables contain higher amounts of powderful beneficial plant compounds

  • Less likely to be genetically modified

  • Organic foods are fresher because they don’t contain preservatives

  • Organic meats aren’t saturated with antibiotics, growth hormones, or byproducts

  • More environmentally friendly 

It all sounds great, right? But again, it’s not always feasible to shop organically. So whendoes organic really matter? 

Certain foods actually have greater exposure to commercial chemicals (toxins), which the body then needs to detoxify after eating. Basically, not all veggies are sprayed equally, and so some foods are more beneficial to shop for organically than others. 


Berries, broccoli, broccolini, leafy greens, and grapes are among the most at risk of high exposure to chemicals. So naturally, if you’re going to shop for something organic, make it these foods. Organic, hormone-free meats are always a good choice too. Although the price tag may be higher, the physiological consequences are far lower. 


Humans are becoming increasingly more resistant to antibiotics. This isn’t just because we’re prescribed them at every turn, it’s also because our meats are flooded with them. Commercially, the livestock industry’s answer to avoiding illness in their animals is to constantly pump them with antibiotics. Whilst it fixes one problem, it creates an entirely new one as these medications are then passed on to us through their meats. 


Aside from these foods, you can shop non-organically. Just remember to thoroughly wash your fruits and vegetables before eating them. It’s also not a bad idea to keep in mind those foods you and your family eat most often (apples, whole grains, dairy-free milks, steak, etc.) and make the switch to organic for these favourites. 


Get the most out of your foods without breaking the bank! 



with love by sbn team

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