Slim Buy Nature Detox Patch Programs offer a convenient and straightforward way to succeed.
Detox On The Go® Patch Program
Slim By Nature’s Detox Patch Programs will promote up to 7kg, 15kg or 20kg of fat loss in either 30, 43 or 60 days, no matter how time-poor you are!
This program is for busy people that would enjoy the convenience of simply wearing a Detox Patches rather than remember to take our original drops prior to each meal.
Our unique transdermal patches provide the same benefits and ingredients as our drops. This patch formulation may burn stubborn fat from problem areas, reduce sugar and carb cravings, and support a healthy detox process in your body.
This program will reap incredible results by helping to experience rapid and lasting weight loss, transform your habits, detox your body and elevate your wellness. The Premium program is for those looking for the complete SBN experience; you will receive our infamous Detox patches, Maintenance patches, Our complete Detox Guide (detailing our 3 step journey and approved food list) and FREE Inner Goodness lymphatic patches!
*We do not recommend the use of Patches if you have excessively oily skin
*SBN Detox programs involve specified food intake. Results when used in conjunction with a balanced diet and light movement. Results may vary.
Patch Program Details
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