Why Organic food is better for your health?

in Oct 29, 2016

Why Go Organic?

You often hear people say, “You know you should start using organic food?” but has anyone actually explained why? To begin with let us see what organic food is and what the benefits are. It actually is the food which in simple terms has not been processed or gone through any kind of synthetic process. Nowadays, fruits and vegetables are grown with synthetic pesticides and with fertilizers for more than one reason but the effect it has on food is bad. Organic food on the other hand is pure, full of nutrients and without any kind of major synthetics. So, we should consume pure chemical free food that helps in our physical and mental growth.

How Organic food supports local farmers and the environment?

Production of organic food is by all means safe and free of any pollution. As organic food production strictly forbids the use of pesticides and fertilizers, the soil remains pure and the farmers don’t have to spend extra amount for synthetic processes. This way the food remains pure and fresh, the environment remains free of toxic chemicals and the wildlife is preserved thus protecting the natural balance of ecosystem. It also helps to fight against global farming and erosion. Even though there is not much scientific studies to prove otherwise, it is clear that organic food production is by no means harming our environment.

Tips for Shopping for organic food

As we all know that organic food is somewhat expensive than the rest and that too because of the purity and the freshness of the food. I for one would not compromise on the health benefits it has but still we need to be smart enough to keep it in our budget and make sure we eat healthy. Some tips are mentioned below:

  • Finding a place to buy organic food that is fresh from the farm, look for green markets people usually refer.

  • Try to ask questions and inquire about the source of the food from the farmer of the supermarket manager. It is going to help you make sure whether the food is certified organic, grown with which methods and how is it produced.

  • Keep it in your budget, don’t get too quirky because that will not go in your favor. You might even be able to save some money by buying a conventional mix of organic and local produce.

  • Read the labels very carefully, you want to be sure the amount you spend gets you the value you deserve. Look for PLU (product look up) code to identify the source.

  • Last but not the least, keep it balanced. Know what you need and how much is enough for your health.

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